Best Magazine Of Haute Pâtissere

Chocolate Bonbons Lemon Susanna Yoon

Summer citrus elderflower chocolate bonbon by Susanna Yoon

Summer citrus elderflower chocolate bonbon by Susanna Yoon

In the Artisanal Chocolates and Confections Shop Stick With Me Sweets in New York, each molded bonbon is well-executed, contains more than one flavor, and maintains a perfect balance between flavors, colors, aromas, and textures.

Susanna Yoon (#sogood18), the head chef and founder, confesses that her biggest inspiration when it comes to creating bonbons is found in customers around the world who visit the store and share their favorite dessert memories.

Her Summer Citrus Elderflower Bonbon, of which we share the recipe below, captivates not only because of its bright and beautiful colors, but also because of its bold and adventurous flavors.