Be Chef Pastry School launches an International Masters in Haute Pastry

Ana RodríguezBe Chef Pastry School, the school of Hans Ovando and Elena Adell, continues adding new and interesting training proposals for pastry chefs from all over the world. The latest is an International Masters in Haute Pastry Technology and Innovation, which will be held from November 2 to 25 and will admit only 12 students per class.
A course (80% practice and 20% theory) aimed at professionals who want to learn cutting-edge culinary techniques. One of its strengths is its faculty, made up of great pastry chefs, ice cream makers, and bakers. On their roster of professors we can we find Hans Ovando himself who, together with Kacper Barzyk, assistant to Be Chef, will delve into responsible pastry, allergens and intolerances; Mario Masiá, author of Más, who will talk about ice cream and new trends; Elena Adell who, also with Kacper Barzyk, will work on contemporary individual pastry; MOF Yann Brys, who will analyze new trends in French pastry, and Bedros Kabranian with their international Viennese series. Likewise, Ovando and Adell will individually teach classes on restaurant desserts, the use of nitrogen, and gelling agents/sugars.
At a theoretical level, enrollees will be able to learn more about the nature of ingredients and specific raw materials, nutrition, food safety, coaching and business leadership, and social media. The languages planned to deliver the training are Spanish, English, and Russian.