Best Magazine Of Haute Pâtissere

Chocolate Bonbons Pistachio

Cherry Pistachio chocolate bonbon by Elle Lei

Cherry Pistachio chocolate bonbon by Elle Lei


At SUGOi Sweets in Chicago, acclaimed chocolatier Elle Lei crafts and hand-paints treats that make people go ‘Oh wow!’. This is due to the fact that during the invention phase, she spends approximately the same amount of time “designing” bonbons as she does creating her recipes. “You should see all the illustrations in my draft book, it’s kind of funny to go back and look at their evolution from first mockup to the final bonbon in the box,” she explains.

In this establishment, each bonbon has its own little story. When it comes to flavors, she is mostly inspired by other desserts, for example ice cream, pastries, or even beverages and cocktails. “I try not to really focus too much on the industry trends or what other people do because looking back, I found all my signature designs and stand out flavors are expressions that came from my heart and my own experiences,” she says.

Below we share this recipe where Lei is able to transfer the successful combination of cherry and pistachio to the bonbon format. A snack made with cherry compote and ganache, and pistachio gianduja, sealed with tempered Opalys 33% white chocolate.