Best Magazine Of Haute Pâtissere

Traditional kouign amann step-by-step recipe by Emmanuel Hamon

Bakery Emmanuel Hamon

June 11, 2021
Marc Oliva
Bakery Emmanuel Hamon
Traditional kouign amann step-by-step recipe by Emmanuel Hamon

The kouign amann, whose name means “butter cake” and its basic ingredients are wheat flour, butter, and sugar, is a typical cake from the French region of Brittany.

Its origin is not known for sure, but the most accepted version points out that in the 19th century the baker Yves-René Scordia, due to the shortage of flour, added a large amount of butter to a bread dough in order to respond to the high demand from his customers.

In this video, Breton chef Emmanuel Hamon, dedicated to his role as a trainer and consultant around the world, shows the traditional recipe and the process of making this dessert in meticulous detail, from kneading to cooking, going through the entire puff pastry process.