Best Magazine Of Haute Pâtissere

Categories Pastry Chef Articles

Martin Diez: “I love contrasting, I think beauty comes out of it”

Chocolate Martin Diez Pastry Interviews so good #30

June 12, 2024
Chocolate Martin Diez Pastry Interviews so good #30

Photos: Ivan Raga

Martin Diez, who is the author of the cover of so good.. magazine 30, confesses that one of the lines of work that is best for him is a kind of game of contrasts. There is no doubt when one sees the five chocolate pieces that he created during an experimental session in Chicago in which he participated alongside Dimitri Fayard and Nick Notter, organized by the Chocolate Academy.

Below we share some of the reflections he made in the magazine about his idea of ​​contrasting what is raw and refined, his opinion on the current trends of plant-based and less sugar, or what he liked most about what he has seen lately in other parts of the world at a pastry level.

So good magazine 30

Discover So Good #30


You define some of your creations as the contrast between raw and refined, could you explain this idea?

Yes, I love contrasting, I think beauty comes out of it. I have been doing that in pairing as well by pairing ingredients in contrast rather than combination. It requires some testing and tasting to find the perfect balance but it works and surprises.

The combination of raw and refined is actually used a lot in art, architecture, or painting and this is a big source of inspiration to me. It is nice, and I have to say, it is quite easy to do with chocolate, the material is really fantastic to transform and work with. Perfectly imperfect is a beauty to me.


“Consumers are educated, connoisseurs and mindful about what they want for themselves and what they want for the planet, it is a triple play: good for me, good for the planet, and tasty!”


Eleven years ago we asked you about the trends of that time and you announced a return to the classics. You were not wrong. What do you think now about the current trends of less sugar, less fat, plant-based…?

(laughs) I can’t believe you found archives of what I said 11 years ago, great job! I’m glad I wasn’t wrong, but it was obvious at this time.

Less sugar, less fat, plant based or even keto are consumer trends, it means the people that want to enjoy pastry and chocolate are looking for it. It is critical to listen to consumers and always make sure we are proposing something they are looking for.

We can always be surprised but going in a direction where pastry can be indulged mindfully is critical.

We came up with lots of innovation around those trends such as vegan with NXT chocolate, upcycled with a natural sweetener with WholeFruit chocolate, or even the cocoa powder range that is helping to reduce sugar and is completely vegan.

Consumers are educated, connoisseurs and mindful about what they want for themselves and what they want for the planet, it is a triple play: good for me, good for the planet, and tasty!

We definitely have a role to play, this is what I am convinced of.

Let’s chat in 11 years to see if this is still a trend or if it is established as the basis of pastry.


White Ruby nougat
White Ruby nougat

What is lacking and what is in excess in today’s haute patisserie?

I don’t see any lack or excess. The playground is huge and chefs are always pushing the boundaries. We are definitely more exposed thanks to books, magazines, and social media.

I see lots of good things happening especially respecting the ingredients, using less coloring, going natural. I love to see how haute patisserie is always evolving!


Being creative and respectful of what nature brings when it is the right season is crucial”


As a connoisseur of pastries in different parts of the world, what surprised you most lately? Where?

I love how most of the markets are celebrating nature with the same flavors coming back when nature brings it rather than finding them all year long. In France and Europe with seasonal fruits, Japan with Sakura or other citrus, North America with the holiday season or specific crops and this is the same everywhere in the world. Being creative and respectful of what nature brings when it is the right season is crucial. There is a non-negotiable around sustainability that I really love. Consumers and the entire industry have a sense of urgency and this is going in the right direction when you celebrate and embrace what nature brings during the right season.

Discover the complete interview and the recipe for these creations by Martin Diez in so good.. #30