Best Magazine Of Haute Pâtissere

Marijn Coertjens Orange so good #20

Marijn Coertjens Jus d’Orange and Earl Grey Tea Individual Cake

Marijn Coertjens Jus d’Orange and Earl Grey Tea Individual Cake

Marijn Coertjens perfectly embodies the balance between the skill of a Belgian and European pastry tradition and a young and nonconformist spirit that has done nothing but grow through his performance in top-level international competitions such as the World Pastry Cup or the World Chocolate Masters, but also since he opened his own pastry shop in Ghent (Belgium) alongside fellow chef Christa Muyldermans. In So good # 20, and with the collaboration of our special envoy Bruno Van Vaerenbergh, we discovered his signature chocolate and pastry. 

Creations like this Jus d’Orange that perfectly represents both his desire to play and the search for a balance in flavors, textures, and intensities that he poses in each dessert.


“Jus d’Orange is a play on the orange press and the flavors of earl gray tea and orange or blood orange juice at breakfast”


Photographies: Debic