Best Magazine Of Haute Pâtissere

Akihiro Kakimoto so good #24

Future Museum with chocolate, celery, and grapefruit, by Akihiro Kakimoto

Future Museum with chocolate, celery, and grapefruit, by Akihiro Kakimoto

One of the protagonists of so good # 24, the Japanese pastry chef Akihiro Kakimoto, who ranked fourth in the World Chocolate Master 2018, fulfilled one of his dreams in 2019 when he opened Henare, a restaurant where he offers cooking called “obanzai” in the Kyoto dialect .

As a complement to the article that we dedicate to him in our magazine, we share the recipe from The Future Museum that he serves in Henare. A glass of dessert with warm grapefruit sauce. He thinks that something with strong or pungent flavors go very well with chocolate, and celery is one such ingredient. Another surprising flavor in the dessert is dill. Although dill is not a familiar herb for the Japanese and often used in savory dishes, those who taste it always say “wow, what is it?” and enjoy it very much.

Photos: Noriko Carlow – Contents: Reiko Matsuno