The great humanitarian date with hot chocolate in Montreal

Ana RodríguezOn the 17th and 18th of January, La Tablée des Chefs, in collaboration with Valrhona, are organising “La Grande Tournée du Chocolate Chaud” (The Great Hot Chocolate Tour), in the metropolitan area of Montreal.
It will take place over a weekend in which the best chocolatiers and pastry chefs of the area will offer 22 different hot chocolate recipes, with a Valrhona chocolate base, and available at 48 distribution points.
It is a new initiative for the sweet-toothed and, above all, a humanitarian one, as for every $3 cup of chocolate, each location will dontate 0.50 $ and Valrhona 60 grammes of chocolate, to promote the voluntary work that La Tablée des Chefs does to feed families in need and to encourage teenagers in Quebec to educate themselves about healthy food.
In addition, 10 winners will be chosen from all those people who attend the event and upload a photo of their hot chocolate to any network with the hashtag “#lgtchocolatchaud”, to attend a workshop with Patrice Demers, the renowned pastry chef featured in our newest issue.