Europain 2022 postpones its celebration for two months

Jaume CotFollowing in the footsteps of other major European sector events such as Intergastra (Stuttgart) and Sigep (Rimini), Sirha Europain has also decided to postpone its celebration, going from those initially planned from January 22 to 25 to March 26 to 29. The historic Parisian fair dedicated to the bakery sector and related industries made this decision after an internal debate between its owner, the Ekip business association, and GL Events, organizer of all Sirha Food events. In the statement issued they allude to the general health situation to explain this decision.
Ensuring optimal security measures for staff, exhibitors, and visitors, and avoiding any risky situation has inspired the change of dates. However, the intention is to maintain the same program of activities and competitions originally planned. With the slogan “French Bakery”, the organization wants to relaunch the event that will be held for the second time in Hall 1 of the Paris Porte de Versailles venue.