“Modernist Bread”, the Modernist Cuisine’s new book, will be released in 2017

Ana RodríguezThe Modernist Cuisine team’s passion for bread has once again been confirmed in their new book, Modernist Bread: The art and science of bread, which is scheduled to be released in March 2017. A book that is the result of four years of research and turns into five volumes and a cooking manual, more than 2,000 pages, 3,000 photos, and 1,000 traditional and cutting-edge recipes from around the world.
Its goal is to turn cuisine aficionados into bread experts and offer professional bakers, restaurant chefs, and home bakers a deeper understanding of the baking process by answering questions such as: How can fruit make pretzels easier to shape? Does the type of water you use make a difference in baking? How to rescue over-proofed dough? Or even, how is perfect toasted bread achieved?
The Modernist Cuisine, founded by Nathan Myhrvold and Francisco Migoya as head of the Cooking Lab, moved last year to a new larger space, equipped with the latest machinery, such as the scanning electron microscope that helps to look at ingredients at a molecular level. Tools that have been key to many of the discoveries that are shared in this book. The launch is destined to break out another work of universal reference as “Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking” once was.