Best Magazine Of Haute Pâtissere

May 31, 2024

Iba returns to Düsseldorf to hold an edition in May 2025

May 31, 2024
Ana Rodríguez

Iba returns to Düsseldorf to hold an edition in May 2025

Iba returns to Düsseldorf to hold an edition in May 2025


Ana Rodríguez

Iba returns from May 18 to 22, 2025. The next edition of the world fair for the baking and pastry sector announces changes. Not only has it gone from being a triennial event to a biennial event (remember that the last call was in 2023), but it has also changed seasons (from autumn to spring) and location (from Munich to Düsseldorf).

The sector has received the news well, since more than 80% of the exhibition area is reserved. Under the motto of “Baking New Ways”, Iba will once again showcase innovations and global trends across the entire value chain, promoting knowledge exchange, customer reunions, innovation, exciting competitions, and new contacts.

The fair will be held in a total of seven pavilions, the size and layout of which are different from those in Munich. Structured in halls 9-15, the event promises a product portfolio as varied as ever and with the same quality. With more than 98,000 square meters, its basic structure will remain the same, divided into the well-known product categories. Trends and innovations in technology and production equipment will be located in halls 9 to 13. Packaging technology will be displayed in hall 9. Artisan bakery will be exhibited in halls 13 and 14, while raw materials and ingredients will be the protagonists in pavilion 15.

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