South AmericaEscola de Confeitaria Diego Lozano

Name of the school: Escola de Confeitaria Diego Lozano
Year of foundation: 2012
Brief history of the school: The first pastry school in Brazil, focused only in HAUTE PATISSERIE. The owner and Chef Diego Lozano, is the most famous pastry chef in Brazil, nowadays.
Location: Rua Gandavo, 523 – Vila Mariana, SP – 04023-001
Brief description of its pastry training program: Private courses, Short courses (1 to 5 days) and long courses (1 to 3 months). Courses in portuguese or English. Advanced techniques, using Brazilian raw ingredients.
Other facilities: students’ accommodation, work experience, demonstrations, stores, published books…
Associated with a lot of hostels nearby the school, and also pastry shops, where the students can go for a stage after the courses taken at the school.