Chocolate Moments, the FREE Dobla App for the iPad!

Find delicious recipes and helpful tips on how-to-use and present Dobla’s chocolate decorations. In addition to pictures and tips there are demonstration videos to guide and inspire.
The Dobla App will also include an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at our chocolate innovative process, products and international chefs. They will show special techniques and new cutting-edge ways to decorate and style desserts. The recipes and techniques can be easily downloaded and printed. The App will also include information about how to order the Dobla products.
In the first edition of Chocolate Moments, Chef William Dekker is the guest editor. Recipes like Inverter Éclair, Hot Chocolate Sphere and Lemon Marshmallow will be featured in easy-to-follow steps. The second edition will highlight Coupe de Monde de la Patisserie winner Chef Michel Willaume and will introduce the NEW Collection 2014 from Dobla.
To download the Dobla App, go to the App Store, search <Dobla> and download the FREE app to your iPad!
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