The World Cup of Pastry introduces new changes

Fernando TodaThe technical challenges are going to become even tougher during the making of the chocolate piece and the ice piece at the next edition of the World Cup of Pastry. This was the announcement made recently by the organising team, which seeks to toughen up the competition for an even more spectacular occasion.
Specifically, not only will contestants need to produce the sugar piece with at least 50% of drawn sugar and blown sugar, but also this year they will be asked to integrate into their chocolate creations, a figure sculpted from a block of chocolate. And what is more, for the first time the ice piece needs to be shaped from ice blocks of the same size. The requirements to present a chocolate cake, an iced fruit cake and a dessert plate remain the same.
As a reminder, the participating countries will be Algeria, Argentina, China, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, Guatemala, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, The Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia, United Kingdom and the U.S.A. In the end, the Spanish team will not attend, and the organising team are still deciding whether to invite another country to take the vacant place now available.