Italy, the star of the Coppa del Mondo del Panettone

Ana RodríguezThe Coppa del Mondo del Panettone (Panettone World Cup), conceived by Giuseppe Piffaretti, took place from November 5 to 7 in Lugano (Switzerland) and welcomed finalists from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, France, the United States, and Australia.
Despite the geographical variety of the contestants, Italy has been the great winner in the competition. Salvatore Tortora (Marigliano, Naples), Fiorenzo Ascolese (Salerno), and Massimiliano Lunardi (Quarrata, Pistoia) have been the three who classified in the traditional panettone section. For their part, Luca Poncini (Maggia, Switzerland), Giuseppe Mascolo (Visciamo, Naples), and Stefano Ferrante (Campomorone, Genoa) have been selected in the category of chocolate panettone.
In terms of Spain, Ton Cortés (traditional), Adan Sáez (traditional), and Maties Miralles (with chocolate) also participated.