Categories Pastry Chef Articles
Proto-bonbons, plant-based and other glimpses of the most brilliant pastry
Andrey Dubovik Anthony Hart Antonio Bachour Francisco Migoya Gabriele Riva Lluc Crusellas Melissa Coppel Romain Dufour so good #33
Alberto Ruiz
Andrey Dubovik Anthony Hart Antonio Bachour Francisco Migoya Gabriele Riva Lluc Crusellas Melissa Coppel Romain Dufour so good #33

So good.. magazine is back with new stories, well-known and not so well-known chefs, amazing techniques, and surprising creations, some classic and others which are truly innovative. In this issue number 33, cutting-edge pastry, signature pastry, the most brilliant international pastry is back in the spotlight thanks to 22 chefs from all over the world.
Discover so good.. magazine #33
We started with a very chocolatey challenge. We were looking for unusual, unconventional, impossible, unpredictable bonbons. We wanted to stir up creativity and open new paths. Seven of the most creative and daring chocolatiers on the planet responded to the challenge: Francisco Migoya and his bonbons that form in the customer’s mouth; Melissa Coppel and her gastronomic journey; Lluc Crusellas and his bonbons from other worlds; Adrián Ciaurriz and his “from cow to bonbon”; Andrey Dubovik and painting; Anthony Hart and his fantastical bonbons; and Chris Ford and his caviar and croissant bonbons. Who said that the bonbon is necessarily a boring and predictable product?

Next, Gabriele Riva, one of the pioneers in what is called plant-based pastry and who leads by example from his pastry shop in Tokyo, explains the background of this movement and offers us two delicious creations. Also committed to sustainability, we welcome Virgilia Lebigre, a young French chef who dazzles with a pastry committed to new values, but not lacking in beauty, bright, artifice free colors, and delicate, pure flavors. This plant-based focus in this issue of so good.. magazine is completed by the work of Yukie Noguchi, who from Janu Tokyo offers vegan and non-vegan creations full of elegance and sympathy.

Kamil Szulc, Head Chef of the Chocolate Academy in Poland, reclaims the hell of chaos over the hell of order, even though he ends up applying a certain order to his own chaos. And Ingrid Serra, another new face at so good.., demonstrates how to make a sugar-free version of carrot cake using enzymes.
It is always a pleasure to welcome one of the most influential chefs in the world to so good.. magazine, Antonio Bachour, who moves on the fine line between sweet and savory with a natural ease. And we are especially pleased by the collaboration of the equally popular Tatum Sinclair and her courage in proudly claiming the work of dairy farmers to obtain the best products for the best pastries.

The Polish chef known as Pani Foremka shows us a little piece of her art that she defines as feminine, “delicate, diverse, surprising, intriguing, simple yet complex”, while Erika Abe, from the Californian restaurant Benu, creates attractive desserts with Korean and American ingredients and influences; and Romain Dufour gives a twist, no pun intended, to the most creative pastries.
Without a doubt, one of the highlights of this so good.. magazine 33 is the eclectic Japanese restaurant Hommage, by Noboru Arai, who invites us to enjoy, among others, a dessert that pays homage to water, with up to four textures of the liquid element.

David Chamorro and Christian Domínguez present us with the possibilities of a new and revolutionary chocolate coating, Macambo; Sajana Patel tells us about her love story with cocoa in India, through her firm La Folie in Mumbai; and David García, from Corral de la Morería (Madrid), offers us soulful desserts to the rhythm of guitar and percussive footwork.
In short, a new issue of so good.. magazine and a new demonstration that pastry, the best pastry, has its place at the peak of the gastronomic Olympus.