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Categories Pastry Chef Articles

A new collection of tools created by Pierre Hermé

Pierre Hermé

March 17, 2011
Fernando Toda
Pierre Hermé
A new collection of tools created by Pierre Hermé

Pierre Hermé & CrassetExamples have been mounting of chefs associated with designers to name their collections of tools or kitchenware after said chefs in the last few years. This is the result of the prestige cuisine has been acquiring on a global level, which has eclipsed the media’s potential in pastry. Until now.
For the first time a pastry chef, the notable Pierre Hermé, has joined forces with a designer, Matali Crasset, to create together a range of utensils specially for pastry.

Pierre Hermé & CrassetMore specifically, the result of the collaboration is a mini collection called “Essentiel de Pâtisserie”. The collection consists of a bowl, a whisk, a spatula and a plate for serving cakes, all simply designed and combining the modern with the functional. Pierre Hermé’s collaboration led to the creation of a cul de poule mixing bowl, used for whisking small mixtures thanks to its two compartments. The idea was to be able to make a complete recipe without having to change bowls when adding ingredients.